Monday, November 14, 2011

Platidor, prickly platidor, striped platidoras (Platydoras costatus)

The native land platidoras (Platydoras costatus) are tropical reservoirs of the South America. These catfishes have been nicknamed "grumbling" because of specific sounds published by them by means of swimming bubbles and chest fins. Naturally such sounds help fishes to find to themselves the partner, and also to warn about danger. In an aquarium platidoras them publish during stressful situations or at territorial disputes. In spite of the fact that they are very extended also them for a long time and successfully plant, some parties of their life are a little studied.

Trunk platidoras massive, wide and flattened, narrowed to a tail in the field of a back fin. The body and a head are covered by the reservation - firm bone 28-31 plates. On each side thorns are located. On branchiate covers there are sharp ledges. On the big head there are the big eyes, the stretched large mouth and two pairs dark brown moustaches on the bottom and top jaws, the Basic окрас trunks dark brown. From above, along all body, there pass two longitudinal light yellow strips. They begin from the end of a tail fin, and converge on a head between an eye. The paunch, the bottom part of a head and a fatty fin are painted in is light yellow colour. A tail fin small, brown with a yellow border. Back large, it is painted in yellow colour. On it there passes a slanting strip of dark brown colour. Chest fins big, well developed, dark brown colour with a yellowish fringing. On them the small thorns which are coming to an end with a sharp hook are located. For this reason at catching platidoras (Platydoras costatus) it is desirable to use plastic or other capacity, but only not a net, the small fish can strongly get confused and at disentangling it is possible to prick strongly thorns (a prick very painful). At the slightest danger of a small fish arrangedт fins. Sexual differences: the male is more harmonous, less and is more contrastly painted; the female at the slightest danger becomes dark brown, and only the very narrow strip of thorns remains light yellow. In the nature at length can reach to 22 sm, in an aquarium, as a rule, grow no more than 15 Life expectancy in an aquarium of 12 years see.

Platidoras (Platydoras costatus) - night, peace and very amusing small fish. As activity at it comes at night, to observe it it is possible during feeding, when it picks on all aquarium. In the afternoon, as a rule, hides in various shelters, but sometimes she can be seen during rest on the places opened to the review (for example, between glass and the filter). Platidoras (Platydoras costatus) live in the bottom sheets of water.

To contain Platidoras it is not difficult. The aquarium with volume not less than 80 l with thickets of live plants and various shelters is necessary. Prefers the muffled illumination and a soft ground (sand, gravel).Platydoras costatus gets on with various kinds of fishes (an exception very small small fishes). Water parametres: rigidity 2-15 °, рН 6,0-7,5, temperature 22 - 26°С. The filtration, aeration, a channel and weekly substitution to 30 % of volume of water are necessary.

Striped platidoras (Platydoras costatus) in food uses a dry, vegetative forage (20-30 %), but the preference gives live (tubifex, bloodworm, small shrimps, hearts, small slices of meat or fish). It is inclined to a gluttony. In an aquarium sometimes there are very artful individuals: instead of with other representatives of the kind to collect a forage from an aquarium bottom, they emerge on a surface, turn over a belly up and start to collect a forage from a water surface.

The aquarium is necessary for spawning platidor (Platydoras costatus) with the muffled illumination in capacity from 100 l and active aeration. Various shelters (without sharp sides), floating plants (for example, riccia) are necessary. Water parametres: rigidity to 6 °, рН 6.0 - 7.0, temperature 25 - 27°С, the water level should not exceed 20 see. Before spawning it is necessary to contain 7-10 days manufacturers separately from each other, to feed with a live forage and fry catfishes. The male builds in spawning a nest in diameter from 3 to 10 sm from leaves of floating plants or postpone caviar in ground poles, pasting to a substratum. Spawning occurs to use pituitary suspensions of a sterlet and bream. The female  striped platidoras (Platydoras costatus) throws to very sticky 300 berries. After the termination of spawning of manufacturers removed. The incubatory period 48-72 hours. At first larvae are at the bottom in a dark place. To float and eat fry Platydoras costatus begin for 5-6 days. A starting forage: a live dust,nauplii of Artemia,a microworm. Grow very slowly.

Sexual maturity reaches in 2 years.

Doras Eygenmann (Doras eigenmanni)

Doras Eygenmann (Doras eigenmanni)
The native land Doras eigenmanni are tropical reservoirs of the South America (Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay).

This kind, really, does not belong to sort Doradidae - there it have carried, as cannot be defined with its exact patrimonial accessory yet. Unlike the presents Doradidae catfishes (sort Doradidae), at this fish the branched out short moustaches and consequently it is more similar to representatives of sorts Opsodoras or Leptodoras.

Doras eigenmanni catfishes the doubtful glory of fishes which in an aquarium it is absolutely not visible accompanies
. Nevertheless, there are exceptions, and Doras eigenmanni - one of them. This small fish it is possible to observe in an aquarium the most part of day on a free surface of a sandy bottom. Thus a kind at them such as though they sleep. But it is necessary to touch or disturb to them as they promptly departure. In the rest of the time of Doras eigenmanni searches for shelters among plants, snags and stones.

Doras eigenmanni should be contained only group. Nevertheless, it is necessary to mean that already to five copies of these catfishes growing, by the way, to 10 sm at length, the aquarium in volume about 200 l is required.

Being omnivores, these catfishes will not pass even a dry feed. Their plants do not interest, therefore it is possible to decorate an aquarium with them easy. However, in this case you, most likely, will not see the pupils as they will spend the most part of time in a thick of plants. These fishes do not have special requirements to quality of water that does by their ideal inhabitants of an aquarium.

Amblydoras Hancocki (Amblydoras hancocki). The family of aquarium fish catfish (Doradidae)

Amblydoras Hancocki (Amblydoras hancocki) lives in a river basin Amazon (Peru, Brazil), mainly keeping in strong silted wood lakes and in the channels connecting them with the big rivers.

Amblydoras Hancocki (Amblydoras hancocki) has the powerful body extended at length. A head wide and flattened from above. A mouth bottom with 3 steams of moustaches. Sides are covered by the firm bone plates having thorns. The first beam of a back fin is bent and from both parties has a longitudinal fillet. A fatty fin small. The trunk Amblydoras Hancocki (Amblydoras hancocki) is painted by Hankok in light brown colour with brownish-black (with violet outflow) stains. On each side heads are visible dark brown strips: one passes on a snout to an eye bottom, another from an eye to edge of a branchiate cover. A paunch yellow-white with light brown stains. On each side there passes a longitudinal strip of silvery colour. On short moustaches alternate it is light - also dark brown rings. All fins with light brown points. Sexual differences: at the male the bottom party of a body with a brownish shade. At length Amblydoras Hancocki (Amblydoras hancocki) grows to 15 see.

Amblydoras Hancocki peaceful ground fish. In the afternoon buries in a ground so that remains the top part of a head with eyes is visible only. Activity starts to show with approach of twilight.

To contain Amblydoras Hancocki (Amblydoras hancocki) it is possible in the general aquarium in volume not less than 100 litres with various shelters (caves, snags, thickets of plants, etc.), creating in places a shade. As a ground river sand without sharp particles approaches. Parametres of water for the optimum maintenance Amblydoras Hancocki (Amblydoras hancocki): rigidity 4-20 °, рН 6-7,5, temperature 22-26°С. The filtration, aeration and weekly substitution to 20 % of volume of water is necessary.

In food Amblydoras Hancocki (Amblydoras hancocki) uses live and in addition vegetative forages, and also substitutes. Meal select from a bottom. 
Amblydoras Hancocki (Amblydoras hancocki). The family of aquarium fish catfish (Doradidae)
Amblydoras Hancocki (Amblydoras hancocki) is necessary for cultivation an aquarium in volume of 40 litres half filled with water and a clay pipe with a bunch of synthetic threads inside. Illumination muffled. Water parametres: rigidity 4 °, рН 7, temperature 25°С. To manufacturers (to 2 males and 1 female) do an injection in muscles of a back by suspension of a hypophysis of a carp in a solution of chloride of sodium, on 0,2 ml on each fish. The female Amblydoras Hancocki (Amblydoras hancocki) throws about 700 berries, then manufacturers at once removed. The incubatory period lasts 1-2 days. In 3 days fry start to float and eat. A starting forage: small sliced ​​tubifex, sifted through a small grid.
 The native land Akantodoras chocolate (Acanthodoras cataphractus) is the South America a river basin of Amazon. These small fishes can publish sounds a bit similar on croak. They help them to find to themselves the partner, and also to warn about danger.

Trunk acanthodoras cataphractus as well as acanthodoras spinosissimus, it is slightly extended at length, wide and flat, narrowed to a tail stalk.
On a large head there are small eyes, a final mouth and three pairs moustaches. Firm bone plates, close more than half of side (are absent only from above and from below a tail stalk). The fatty fin small, tail has the roundish form. The basic color trunks shokoladno-brown. Along a body pass longitudinal strips of orange colour: the first on a side from an eye and prior to the beginning of the tail fin, the second - along a back. The paunch and the bottom part of a head is light brown colour with yellow rough lines and light points around an anal fin. All fins light brown with points of chocolate colour. Sexual differences: the male - more small and more harmonously, is painted more contrastly, a paunch of is dark-marble colour, short moustaches brownish with light rings, a female - a paunch grey-brown, short moustaches light yellow. At length the nature acanthodoras cataphractus can reach 20 sm, in an aquarium 12 see Live in bondage till 10 years.

Acanthodoras cataphractus - a peaceful and unpretentious small fish. Hide in shelters in the afternoon or bury in a ground, activity show with approach of twilight. Acanthodoras cataphractus gets on with various kinds of fishes. Lives in the bottom sheets of water.

The aquarium is necessary for the maintenance acanthodoras cataphractus with volume from 100 l with dense thickets of live plants and various shelters (snags, caves from stones etc.).
Prefers the muffled illumination and a thick layer of earth. In it it willingly rummages in food searches. Parametres of water for its maintenance: rigidity 2-20 °, рН 6.0-7.5, temperature 20 - 26°С. The filtration, aeration and weekly substitution to 30 % of volume of water are necessary.

Acanthodoras cataphractus uses in food dry, live (bloodworms, tubifex, koretra) and a vegetative forage (20-30 %).

Akantodoras chocolate (Acanthodoras cataphractus), Family: catfish Doradidae

The aquarium is necessary for spawning acanthodoras cataphractus with the muffled illumination in length from 60 sm and various shelters. On a bottom establish a separator grid. On it stack synthetic fibres (it is possible to use rough to a bast). Water is necessary for using old with addition of the fresh. Parametres: rigidity to 10 °, рН 5.8 - 7.0, temperature 26 - 28°С. The female throws to 1000 rigid berries (in the form of opened parachute) which are pasted to a substratum. During spawning in water plentiful sexual products are allocated and to raise an exit fry water it is necessary to change (add in water to 5 mg/l methylene a blue and 2 g/l table salt). The incubatory period lasts 24-48 hours. To float and eat fry acanthodoras cataphractus begin for 4-6 days. A starting forage: nauplii a Cyclops.

Akantodoras star (Acanthodoras spinosissimus) Family: catfish Doradidae

Acanthodoras spinosissimus Family: catfish Doradidae
The native land Akantodoras star (Acanthodoras spinosissimus) is the South America a river basin of Guapore. These small fishes publish specific sounds a bit similar on croak. They help fishes to find to themselves the partner, and also to warn about danger.

The trunk acanthodoras spinosissimus is slightly extended at length,
wide and flat, narrowed to a tail in the field of a back fin. A head large, a mouth final. There are three pairs moustaches. Firm bone plates, close more than half of side (are absent only from above and from below a tail stalk). The back fin is supplied by a teeth, fatty small, tail has the roundish form. The basic окрас trunks dark brown. Along a body acanthodoras spinosissimus pass light longitudinal strips: the first on a side from an eye and prior to the beginning of the tail fin, the second - along a back. On a trunk dark brown stains are scattered. The paunch and the bottom part of a head is light brown colour with yellow rough lines and light points around an anal fin. Unpaired and belly fins dark brown with 2-3 white cross-section strips. Sexual differences: Short moustaches at the male brownish with light rings, a paunch with light brown stains, at a female a paunch brown, short moustaches light yellow. At length acanthodoras spinosissimus can reach 15 see.

Acanthodoras spinosissimus - a peaceful small fish. Activity starts to show with approach of twilight.

Acanthodoras spinosissimus gets on with various kinds of fishes. Live in the bottom sheets of water.

The aquarium is necessary for the maintenance acanthodoras spinosissimus with volume from 100 l with dense thickets of live plants and various shelters (snags, caves from stones etc.). Prefers the muffled illumination and a thick layer of earth. In it it willingly rummages in food searches. Parametres of water for the maintenance acanthodoras spinosissimus: rigidity 2-20 °, рН 6.0-7.0, temperature 20 - 26°С. The filtration, aeration and weekly substitution to 30 % of volume of water are necessary.

Acanthodoras spinosissimus in food uses a dry, live and vegetative forage (20-30 % - the seaweed, the scalded salad, spinach, cabbage).

The aquarium is necessary for spawning acanthodoras spinosissimus with the muffled illumination in length from 60 sm and various shelters.
On a bottom establish a separator grid. On it stack synthetic fibres (it is possible to use rough to a bast). Water is necessary for using old with addition of the fresh. Parametres: rigidity to 10 °, рН 6.0 - 7.0, temperature 26 - 28°С. The female throws to 1000 rigid berries which are pasted to threads bast. During spawning in water plentiful sexual products are allocated and to raise an exit fry water it is necessary to change (add in water to 5 mg/l methylene a blue and 2 g/l table salt). The incubatory period lasts 24-48 hours. To float and eat fry acanthodoras spinosissimus begin for 4-6 days. A starting forage: nauplii a Cyclops.

Sexual maturity acanthodoras spinosissimus reaches non-uniformly: females are elderly - 1,5 years, males in 3 years.

Spiny catfish (Agamyxis albomaculatus) - decoration of any aquarium

Spiny catfish (Agamyxis albomaculatus) lives in a river basin of Amazon (Brazil, Peru) at overgrown coast and on the shoal rich on snags and fallen trees.

Spiny catfish (Agamyxis albomaculatus), family: catfish (Doradidae).

Agamyxis albomaculatus has the powerful body extended at length gradually narrowed around a back fin and passing in narrow tail stalk. Firm bone plates, close more than half of side (are absent only from above and from below a tail stalk). A head large with 3 steams of short moustaches. The back fin of the triangular form, the first beam is supplied by a teeth, anal - is well developed, tail - is rounded off. A chest fin with the first long, powerful and gear beam, belly - small and roundish. There is a small fatty fin. A body and fins agamyxis albomaculatus brownish-black colour with the roundish yellow specks, merging in 2 numbers of cross-section strips on a tail fin. At young individuals specks of brilliant white colour. On short moustaches alternating dark and light strips. Sexual differences: the male is more harmonous, at a female a large shapeless belly. Naturally agamyxis albomaculatus reaches at length of 16 sm, in an aquarium grows no more than 10 see Life expectancy agamyxis albomaculatus depending on maintenance conditions in an aquarium can reach 17 years.

Agamyxis albomaculatus peace and ground fish. Activity starts to show with approach of twilight.

Agamyxis albomaculatus it is possible to contain in the general aquarium in volume from 100 l with dense thickets of live plants and various shelters (snags, caves from stones etc.). Prefers the muffled illumination and a thick layer of earth. In it it willingly rummages in food searches. Parametres of water for the optimum maintenance agamyxis albomaculatus: rigidity to 25 °, рН 6-7,5, temperature 25-30°С.

Agamyxis albomaculatus uses in food a live and vegetative forage, and also substitutes.

The aquarium in length is necessary for cultivation agamyxis albomaculatusо from 60 sm with various shelters, without a ground, with the bush fixed in the middle bolbitis for Gedeloti. Illumination muffled. Water parametres: rigidity 8 °, рН 6,7, temperature 25°С. To manufacturers do an injection in muscles of a back by suspension of a hypophysis of a carp in a solution of chloride of sodium, on 0,2 ml on each fish. The female agamyxis albomaculatusо throws about 1000 berries. The incubatory period lasts 40 hours. In 2 days fry start to float and eat. A starting forage: small sliced ​​tubifex, sifted through a small grid.
Spiny catfish (Agamyxis albomaculatus), family: catfish (Doradidae).
Sexual maturity agamyxis albomaculatusо reaches at the age of 2-3 years.